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Choosing the right Legal Technology isn’t easy. There is a broad array of functionality available on the market, and you must consider whether the product meets your needs now, as well as into the future.
We’ve honed in on 10 key areas to help you evaluate the quality of the platforms you are considering, to ensure the system you select is the best fit for the needs of your business and Legal team, both now and into the future, including:
Will my business be empowered to find relevant Legal resources and create legally compliant contracts?
How easy will it be to automate my briefing, negotiation, signing and approval workflows, while ensuring the right work gets to the right person, seamlessly?
Will this platform grow with the needs of my business and Legal department?
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Modernise your legal function with the Digital Transformation Guide for General Counsels.
The eBook is on its way to your inbox. You can also download via the link below.
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