Launch marketing campaigns in record time with a compliance workflow that's faster and lower risk than traditional alternatives.
One of our consultants will be in touch ASAP to answer your questions and determine your requirements. We'll set you up with a free trial, help you secure budget, then get your whole team live in a matter of days.
Want to speak to someone instead? Call us on 1300 983 907
One of our consultants will reach out to you shortly.
Keep your brand out of hot water
World class technology, backed by industry expert lawyers
Faster and more flexible than traditional alternatives
Ready for guaranteed compliance for your next marketing campaign?
One of our consultants will be in touch ASAP to answer your questions and determine your requirements. We'll set you up with a free trial, help you secure budget, then get your whole team live in a matter of days.
Want to speak to someone instead? Call us on 1300 983 907
One of our consultants will reach out to you shortly.
We'll have your environment configured and your team realising value in hours, not months.
All compliance reviews are back to you in 24 hours or less, guaranteed.
Your marketing collateral is reviewed by specialist lawyers to ensure full compliance with consumer law.
We are backed by the same professional indemnity insurance used by law firms. Your compliance is guaranteed.
Our turnaround times remain consistent all year round, regardless of volume.
Our costs are transparent and tailored to your specific needs so you know what you're getting and how much it will cost before you commit.
The world’s most advanced digital contracting and workflow platform. Get started with any module today.
Marketing collateral can include print material (posters, wobblers, etc.), point of sale material, billboards and other OOH material, television commercials, radio commercials and a wide range of digital content (social media material, online material, eDMs, etc.).
Anything that is consumer facing should be legally reviewed - if you have multiple pieces, you can always send through a key visual for our review.
Ideally your marketing collateral should be as close to finalised as possible before sending for our review so we can consider the final version available to consumers.
We strongly encourage you to send advertising material through for review via Advertising Wizard – that way, we can ensure your material is fully compliant with any applicable State and Territory regulations and not misleading to consumers. Plus, we guarantee turnaround of artwork advice in 24 hours!
Promotion Wizard is used to submit a request for promotional Terms and Conditions and Advertising Wizard is used to brief through advertising material for legal review.
You can easily invite a colleague to access the Advertising Wizard platform by logging into your account and hitting the ‘Invite a teammate’ link (in the top right hand corner of the home screen).
Ready for guaranteed compliance for your next marketing campaign?
One of our consultants will be in touch ASAP to answer your questions and determine your requirements. We'll set you up with a free trial, help you secure budget, then get your whole team live in a matter of days.
Want to speak to someone instead? Call us on 1300 983 907
One of our consultants will reach out to you shortly.
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