Everything you need to run great, compliant competitions. Lawyer-reviewed in under 24 hours, guaranteed.
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Custom T&Cs without the hassles
Take the guesswork out of Competition Permits
90% faster and half the cost of traditional legal firms
No complex account setups or prework needed. Promotion Wizard helps you submit everything you need fast.
We'll have your tailored T&Cs back to you in 24 hours or less, guaranteed.
Your T&Cs and Permits are reviewed by specialist lawyers to ensure they match your needs and are 100% compliant.
We don't just put your details into a template and hope for the best. Each set of T&Cs and Permits are tailored to the specific brief.
We are backed by the same professional indemnity insurance used by law firms. Your compliance is guaranteed.
Our costs are transparent and tailored to your specific needs so you know what you're getting and how much it will cost before you commit.
The world’s most advanced digital contracting and workflow platform. Get started with any module today.
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Interested to understand more about how Promotion Wizard can help you? Call us on 1300 983 907
A trade promotion is a free-to-enter competition conducted by a brand or businesses to promote products and services and increase brand exposure. Learn more about trade promotions.
Terms and conditions are a legal document governing a contract between the provider of a service and its user. Legislation requires all trade promotions to have accurate terms and conditions attached and readily available, and non-compliance with accepted terms and conditions can amount to a breach of contract. Learn more about terms and conditions.
In Australia, a permit is generally required for any trade promotion when there is chance involved in determining the winner. A trade promotion permit is not required for a game of skill promotion. Learn which Australian states require permits for their promotion.
Promotion Wizard is used to submit a request for promotional Terms and Conditions and Advertising Wizard is used to brief through advertising material for legal review.
We guarantee a full set of legally compliant Terms and Conditions within 24 hours of the job being submitted.
Once the submission has been finalised, you can no longer make changes on the platform. Please contact us at [email protected] to advise of any changes required.
Yes! You can easily invite a colleague to access the Promotion Wizard platform by logging into your account and hitting the ‘Invite a teammate’ link (in the top right hand corner of the home screen).
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Modernise your legal function with the Digital Transformation Guide for General Counsels.
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