Gartner Case Study: Automating NDAs

11 December 2018

Gartner case study automating ndas

Sonnedix: Preparing for Rapid Business Growth

How do you prepare your Legal team for rapid business growth? This was the challenge faced by Marissa Corda, Global Head of Legal and Compliance at Sonnedix. As the business pursued ambitious growth targets, the Legal and Compliance team faced the pressure of a mounting workload whilst trying to support the business with the same effective and high-quality service.

Gartner profiled Sonnedix’s Legal Automation journey with Plexus Gateway.

Sonnedix Office Marissa Corda

Read the Gartner case study.

The world's top GCs work with Plexus

As the global economy moves faster and becomes increasingly volatile, organisations must radically evolve their operating models to more dynamically identify and respond to opportunities and threats. Plexus helps leading GCs shift their organisational design, evolve their talent competencies and digitise their functions to deliver faster, most cost-effective and more agile legal support.

Watch Marissa's story


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