Plexus Events: GC Thought Leaders of the Future

01 September 2017

Plexus events thought leaders

The Legal Transformation Playbook: How leading functions are leveraging innovation and technology to deliver more for less

As CEOs plan their strategies to take advantage of transformational shifts,” the consultancy PWC suggests in their annual survey of CEOs they are assessing their current capabilities – and finding that everything is fair game for reinvention.” Most legal functions continue to cling outdated operating models with no transformation plan. They do so at their peril.

  • 71% of GCs forecast Legal Risk will rise over the next two years;
  • 91% of GCs forecast legal workload will continue to rise;
  • Only 31% of middle managers used the legal function when they last had a problem;
  • In a survey of 16,000 end clients only 26% were satisfied with the value the legal function provides; and
  • Less than a quarter expect any budgetary increases — while an increasing number forecast decreases

To put it simply, it’s time to change…

Plexus CEO, Andrew Mellett will present The Transformation Playbook” which has been developed following a recent survey of 65% of ASX100 legal functions. The presentation will provide delegates with actionable insights, best practices, and emerging trends to help inform their legal strategy.

Sydney | Wednesday 27th September 2017 | Museum of Sydney

Andrew’s presentation will be followed by a Q&A panel discussion with some of Australia’s leading and most progressive GCs:

  • Marcus Breaden, Senior Director Legal — Cisco
  • Craig Emery, General Counsel — Telstra
  • Maria Polczynski, Previously General Counsel & Head of Compliance and Regulatory Risk — AMP


Melbourne | Wednesday 4th October 2017 | ACMI, Federation Square

Plexus GC Thought Leaders of the Future 2017

Andrew’s presentation will be followed by a Q&A panel discussion with some of Australia’s leading and most progressive GCs:

  • Anna Lozynski, General Counsel (Australia & New Zealand) — L’Oreal
  • Mick Sheehy, General Counsel Finance & Strategy — Telstra


The world's top GCs work with Plexus

As the global economy moves faster and becomes increasingly volatile, organisations must radically evolve their operating models to more dynamically identify and respond to opportunities and threats. Plexus helps leading GCs shift their organisational design, evolve their talent competencies and digitise their functions to deliver faster, most cost-effective and more agile legal support.

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