
The current list of legislation that applies to trade promotions in each State and Territory are listed below. Each State/​Territory have different rules for conducting trade promotions in regard to what is considered a legal trade promotion, the inclusions for any competition terms and conditions and information that must be included on any promotional advertising.

New South Wales ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in NSW.
- Community Gaming Act 2018
- Community Gaming Regulations (NSW2020

NSW trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

- NSW Fair Trading

Australian Capital Territory ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in the ACT.
-Lotteries Act 1964

ACT trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-ACT Gambling and Racing Commission

Victoria ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in VIC
-Gambling Regulation Act 2003
-Gambling Regulations 2015

VIC trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-Victoria Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation

South Australia ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in SA
-Lotteries Act 2019
-Lotteries Regulations 2021

SA trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-SA Consumer and Business Services

Queensland ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in QLD
-Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999
-Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Regulation 1999

QLD trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-Business Queensland

Western Australia ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in WA
-Lotteries Commission Act 1990

WA trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-WA Department of Government, Sport and Cultural Industries

Tasmania ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in TAS
-Gaming Control Act 1993

TAS trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-TAS Department of Treasury and Finance

Northern Territory ACTS & Regulatory Body For Trade Promotions:

The following Acts apply for trade promotions in NT
-Gaming Control (Community Gaming) Regulations
-Gaming Control Act

NT trade promotions are reviewed by the following regulatory body:

-NT Department of the Attorney-General and Justice

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