Yes, Facebook competitions are very common, however, there are a couple of rules you need to consider when running your next Facebook contest.
Facebook outlines rules for the conduct of promotions in their Facebook Policies (see 3. Promotions on Pages, Groups, and Events: We highly recommend reviewing these before proceeding with a Facebook competition for your brand.
Facebook competitions are very common and there are a couple rules you need to consider when running your next Facebook campaign.
Facebook outlines rules for the conduct of promotions in their Facebook Policies (see 3. Promotions on Pages, Groups, and Events: An overview of the main rules are listed below:
*We note these mechanics are still very common on Facebook. Facebook does not strictly enforce their own rules, and it would be relatively low risk to proceed with any of the entry mechanic options which are not technically allowed by Facebook.
Please be aware the risks of proceeding with any non-allowed mechanic are:
The risk of the 2nd mentioned risk is extremely low and we have not seen this happen in the past.
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